“The Gallery” Website Prototype
In my Multimedia class, I designed a user interface for an e-commerce art website called "The Gallery" using Figma. My concept was to create a platform where people can purchase a diverse range of artworks including pottery, posters, paintings, and more. The website also features artists’ portfolios and interactive features to connect customers with the artists. I created a comprehensive project proposal outlining the development process and created a prototype, wireframe, and site map using Figma. Click on the link below to see the complete design and layout.
Link to Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/IbqdcRNEottTG2sea2o2JZ/%E2%80%9CThe-Gallery%E2%80%9D-Website-Prototype?node-id=0%3A1&t=Agpu6d1a0aF5SGDa-1